In March 2024, Liz Corbin, EBU Director of News, visited Suspilne Ukraine, the EBU’s Ukrainian Member, to visit their news teams and better understand how they operate during the war, which affects their daily operations across the whole country
Selected images from the two-day Access Services Experts meeting at RTS Headquarters, where people meet to discuss key accessibility topics with their European colleagues.
Every year, the EBU Jazz Producers put together a European jazz big band under the name of the Euroradio Jazz Orchestra (EJO). In 2022, the EJO conducted by Hendrika Entzian gathered and performed in Cologne and Essen, at the kind invitation of WDR.
The 88th EBU General Assembly will took place in Dubrovnik, at the kind invitation of our Croatian Member HRT, on Thursday 30 June and Friday 1 July 2022.
Pope Francis has visited the Swiss city of Geneva on the 21th June 2018 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and to promote Christian unity.